Alitalia Cityliner
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Alitalia Cityliner

If you are using Prepar3d v4 or later, this new FSPXAI model willl be a great addition to your ai fleet
- Painter: Philippe Tabatchnik
- Aircraft Type: Embraer ERJ190
- Model Manufacturer: FS Painter (FSPXAI)

Alitalia Cityliner Embraer EMB-175 for RFSL model
Alitalia Cityliner operates a fleet of 15 Embraer E-175s.
These textures are intended for the Raven FS Labs (RFSL) Embraer ERJ-175 base model, available here.
- This package has been updated for use with the latest version of the E-175 base model (build 1902). Please make sure that you have this version or higher of the base model installed in your sim as the textures will not show up on earlier versions.
Popular fsx/p3d 1.03 MB 1467 |
03/01/2018 |
- Painter: Philippe Tabatchnik
- Aircraft Type: Embraer ERJ175
- Model Manufacturer: Raven FS Labs (RFSL)

Alitalia Cityliner Embraer EMB-190 for AIA model
This package includes 2 variations of the Embraer E-190 fleet in service with Alitalia Cityliner
EI-RNE standard livery
EI-RND SkyTeam logojet
Painted on an exclusive HD paintkit by Juergen Baumbusch.
These textures are intended for the Ai Aardvark (AIA) Embraer ERJ-190 base model, available here.The base model was originally created for fs9, but a conversion for use in fsx/p3d is available here, and a further one exclusively for P3Dv4 is available here.
Popular fsx/p3d 2.36 MB 1340 |
31/12/2017 |
- Painter: Philippe Tabatchnik
- Aircraft Type: Embraer ERJ190
- Model Manufacturer: AI Aardvark (AIA)