Fedex Express

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Fedex Express
Fedex Express A300-600F
Fedex Express A300-600F
Fedex Express Boeing 757
Fedex Express Boeing 757
Fedex Express Boeing 777F (TFS)
Fedex Express Boeing 777F (TFS)

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Fedex Express Airbus A300-600F for TFS model

This package includes 2 variations of the Fedex Express Airbus A300-600 fleet:

N674FE with GE engines
N730FD with PW engines

Painted on an exclusive High Definition paintkit by Juergen Baumbusch & Garry Lewis.

These textures are intended for the Fruit Stand Airbus A300-600 base model available here. this model was originally made for fs9, but a conversion for use in P3Dv4 is available here.
Popular fsx/p3d 1.89 MB 1154

Painter: Garry Lewis
Aircraft Type: Airbus A300-600
Model Manufacturer: The Fruit Stand (TFS)

User Rating: 3 / 5

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Fedex Express Boeing 757-200 for AIG model

This package includes 3 variations of the Fedex Express Boeing 757 fleet:

N988FD with PW engines
N960FD with RR engines
C-FMFG with RR engines, operated by Morningstar Air Express

Painted on an exclusive High Definition paintkit by Juergen Baumbusch

These textures are intended for the Alpha India Boeing 757-200 base model available here. This model was originally made for fs9, but a conversion for use in FSX/P3D is available here, and a further one exclusively for P3Dv4 is available here.
Popular fsx/p3d 5.07 MB 1335
Popular fs9 5.12 MB 653

Painter: Kyle Meeks
Aircraft Type: Boeing 757-200
Model Manufacturer: Alpha India Group (AIG)

User Rating: 4 / 5

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Fedex Express Boeing 777F  for TFS model

Fedex Express currently operates 25 Boeing 777Fs such as N889FD, with more on order.

Painted on an exclusive HD paintkit by Juergen Baumbusch.

These textures are intended for the Fruit Stand (TFS) Boeing 777-200LR base model available here. This model was originally made for fs9, but a conversion for use in FSX/P3D is available here, and a further one exclusively for P3Dv4 is available here.

  • A repaint for the FSPXAI model is available here, also from Kyle.
Popular fsx/p3d 3.25 MB 1075
Popular fs9 1.6 MB 582

Painter: Kyle Meeks
Aircraft Type: Boeing 777-200
Model Manufacturer: The Fruit Stand (TFS)