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Maleth Aero Airbus A330-200 for TFS model
Maleth Aero currently operates cargo services using ex-Atlas Global Airbus A330-200s.
Painted on an exclusive High Definition paintkit by Juergen Baumbusch
These textures are intended for the Fruit Stand Airbus A330-200 base model available here. this model was originally made for fs9, but a conversion for use in P3Dv4 is available here.
Popular fsx/p3d 730.04 KB 597 |
06/12/2020 |
- Painter: Vangelis Evangelakopoulos
- Aircraft Type: Airbus A330-200
- Model Manufacturer: The Fruit Stand (TFS)

Maleth-Aero Airbus A340-600 for FSP model
Maleth-Aero has recently added a couple of Airbus A340-600s to its fleet, ex-Virgin Atlantic.
These textures are intended for the FS Painter Airbus A340 model, a native fsx/p3d payware package available from SimMarket
Maleth-Aero - Airbus A340-600 (FSX).zip
Popular fsx/p3d 3.11 MB 883 |
03/06/2020 |
- Painter: Alejandro Solga
- Aircraft Type: Airbus A340-600
- Model Manufacturer: FS Painter (FSPXAI)